our class was having an interview for the English midterm and everyone attend the interview with fabulous dress up except for Mark (absent). the interviewer is Mr. Mus and was helped by two of the student that finish the interview first which is me and kak farah. the interview was going smoothly eventho at first there are some misunderstanding about resume but everytin went well till the end. that was the 1st time for me to experience being an interviewer and its quite exciting to watch and interviewing all of my friend. there are a lot of funny moment that could made me laugh but i keep serious as the situation wouldnt let me laugh. hehehe.. well, i do realize that im also 1 of them and my interview was a disaster to me eventho Mr. Mus said that im doing Ok but i feel that i can do better than that. have to work on my nervous and be 100% prepare next time. and for u guyz, we still have a long way to go but for Bro Fadli, u did an excellent job.. well done.. =D

the interviewer (me & kak farah)
there is a time that i felt like i was in a situation where Donald Trump meeting up with his apprentice when they failed the task that given. dunno why, maybe the pressure make my imagination to the "the apprentice" show.. hehehe.. i would love to say Donald Trump favourite phrase "Rudy, youre Fired!!".. hahahahaha..
tiang kayu (thank you) ..
You should just say, rudy, you're fired... I'm sure Mr Mus would love the humor..
hahahah ---I wld love to hear you say that to him !
ohhhh --- the love for power ! Is it better than the power of love ?
u most well come..
yeah, i would like to say that but im afraid that i could be the 2nd to be fired.. hehehehe..
ohh, i should never let the chance slip away..
i think the love for power is better than the power of love coz its easier to gain love when u have the power..
sir, hitler sound too cruel for the innocent like me... hehehhee..
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