it is the greatest and bestest camp ever!!! eventho rite now i can barely walk.. or u can say i walk like tempang and even my fren ask me "kenapa ko jalan kengkang.." hahah.. i just donno how to explain to them.. but somehow i'll bear with the pain.. it cannot be compare with the excitement, enjoyment, and priceless happy memory with all my fren!! ohhh.. i might shed tears rite now.. i miss u quyz already!! and no, not u monkey.. huhuhu.. arghhh.. i can feel the pain at every part of my leg.. (T.T).. but, ohh well.. it will heal soon.. 2 day at the camp were like 2 weeks.. congrats to all the committee member.. u guyz has been doing a really great job and of course to our master mind Mr. Mus, u rock!! im looking forward to the next camp.. \(^O^)/
some pic from me:-
say peace monkey!!
thank you miss Alyani for coming..
lawa tak hadiah ni..??
Kim tutup sikit mulut tu, nanti masok lalat..
my new fren..
the gurls...
guess whose that gurl in the white t-shirt.. hint-lu pikir la sendiri =D
Biler teringat balik masa group kite punya presentation, tergelak sorang2. Yelaa daripada spontan, takde idea nak cakap. Kite berdua duk tgk Salina ngan Eein, tapi bile masing dah datang idea, tak cukup mic dibuatnya .Tapi ape2 pun lakonan ko memang real giler. Cayalah
tau takpe, masa 1st nak pegang mike pun takut.. tapi bila da pegang.. berebut mike pulak.. hahaha.. ko pun apa kurangnye dgn dialek kelate mu tu.. huhuhu.. aku rasa group kita yg present paling lama kan..?? (=
ohhh rupen yer sedara ko yg dah lame tk jumpe tu yg kaco ko yer...die rindu kt ko la tu...
uwaa...........where's my pic?????
mana2 kak faez ja la.. huhuhu..
ur pic is with u lor.. gimme n i'll upload it.. huhuhu.. i just have 1 of ur pic and its blur cos i take a full zoom of it.. i'll upload it for u..
korang memang best nye pasal blkon ni.. aku x tau nak ckp apa.. tp aku nk ckp pun dah x mampu.. mic dkt salina ngan ein ein jer..
aku nak pegang mic pun dah x leh dah..
tapi group kite the best la..
* apa Yg Penting .... *
".. Kerjasama!!!"
yeah, group 2 the best la..
aah... real giler ar korg... best!!
rudy mane blh pgg mic...
macih2.. tu pun nasib baik menjadi.. men slambe redah je.. takde skrip takde apa, cuma ada situasi je.. hehehe..
napa plak tak boleh..??
the answer for the hint is Nabil..
+la kat blakang n Atiqa kat depan..
=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
remind me of something that i couldnt remember.. whut is it...
aTiqa nabilLa kan...
yee.. betul tu..
pandainye dia..
dia sendiri yg jawab, memei ler..
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